Moog 即將推出全新的 Minifooger 效果器! | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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Moog 即將推出全新的 Minifooger 效果器!

Minifooger 640x372
Author by DigiLog 作者群 Cal 2013.10.08

Moog 目前現有的效果器產品僅只有 Moogerfooger 系列,現在有消息指出 Moog 將推出新的 Minifooger 效果器系列。

美國的樂器零售商 Sweatwater,在他們最新一期的型錄中,揭露了 Moog 即將要出新的效果器,Minifooger 效果器體積變的比較小且售價變得較便宜,但依舊是使用全類比的電路設計。該系列共包含了 MF Trem, MF Delay, MF Ring, MF Boost 和 MF Drive 五種效果,相關的細節如下:

  • Moog Minifooger – Delay ($199.00 USD) – A Bucket Brigade based 100% analog delay that delivers over 650ms of rich, blooming repeats. Adding an expression pedal to the MF Delay allows you to control feedback swells dynamically or adjust the delay time completely hands free.
  • Moog Minifooger – Tremolo ($179.00 USD) – A lush, transformative, and unique wide-range tremolo pedal that employs a balanced modulator circuit and Sub Audio VCO.. Add an expression pedal for beautiful, hands-free swells.
  • Moog Minifooger – Boost ($139.00 USD) – A tone enhancing, twin topology boost pedal that allows you to select between transparent VCA or clipped OTA signal paths. When paired with an expression pedal, the MF Boost can also be used as a volume pedal or sweepable-gain boost pedal.
  • Moog Minifooger – Drive ($169.00 USD) – A unique, filter-based overdrive pedal that employs a classic OTA and Moog Ladder Filter in its drive section for completely customizable sounds from creamy overdrive to cranked tube amplifier. Plug in an expression pedal to add a dimension of tonal and performance possibilities not found elsewhere.
  • Moog Minifooger – Ring ($149.00 USD) – A balanced Ring Modulator based on the best selling Ring Mod in the world, the Moogerfooger MF-102. Add an expression pedal and the MF Ring creates hands free sound sweeps and octave style jamming, to robotic and whammy effects.


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