永別了 Adam Yauch 永遠的野獸男孩 1964 – 2012 | DigiLog 聲響實驗室
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永別了 Adam Yauch 永遠的野獸男孩 1964 – 2012

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Author by DigiLog 作者群 Cal 2012.05.08

相當令人難以置信且難過的消息 – Adam Yauch aka MCA 已於上週五因癌症過世,享年 47 歲。

The Beastie Boys 的成員為 Adam Yauch, Michael Diamond (Mike D), 和 Adam Horovitz (Ad-Rock),成軍於 1979 年,在 Hip-hop 音樂中具有相當重要影響力的團體,它們將 Rap 和 Punk 做了完美的結合和詮釋,引領了新世代的風潮。也製作許多膾炙人口的專輯,如 1989 年的 Paul’s Boutique、1994 年的 Ill Communication 等等。The Beastie Boys 也於上個月進入搖滾名人堂(Rock and Roll Hall of Fame) 更再再顯示它們在音樂圈重要的地位。

Adam Yauch 除了在音樂上的成就以外,另一個角色是,推動西藏獨立運動(Tibetan independence movement),而 Tibetan Freedom Concert 正是由 The Beastie Boys 所發起的活動之一。


事實上,Adam Yauch 的身體狀況,在 2009 年就被診斷出罹患癌症,也因為這個因素,導致 The Beastie Boys 取消了許多巡迴演出和延後了新專輯 “Hot Sauce Committee” 的發行。如今,相當遺憾的,我們再也看不到 Adam Yauch 的巡迴了。

這幾天,許多樂團/音樂家都有向 Yauch 致敬的行動,讓我們一起緬懷 Adam Yauch 永遠的野獸男孩。R.I.P Adam Yauch, you will be missed.






Radiohead / Thom York
I was very sad to hear the news of Adam Yauch’s death yesterday.

We looked up to the Beastie Boys a lot when we were starting out and how they maintained artistic control making wicked records but still were on a major label, and the Tibetan Freedom Concerts they organized had a very big influence on me personally and the way Adam conducted himself and dealt with it all impressed me a lot. He was a mellow and v smart guy. May he rest in peace. (全文

Hello My Friends While I’m grateful for all the positive energy people are sending my way, reports of my being totally cancer free are exaggerated. I’m continuing treatment, staying optimistic and hoping to be cancer free in the near future.


The Beastie Boys 官網

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